5 Tips For Accessible Garden Spaces Inclusive To All Bodies

Gardeners dealing with mobility limitations or disabilities need not abandon their passion for nurturing nature in an accessible garden. Importantly, with thoughtful incorporation of accessible design elements, Bay Area landscapes can welcome visitors of all abilities, thus enabling easier circulation, interaction, and enjoyment. Further expanding on this, here are 5 inclusive design considerations for accessible, […]

5 Methods to Manage Light Pollution from Your Garden

While lighting extends enjoyable hours outdoors, glaring security spotlights, unshielded landscape illuminations, and high-intensity LED fixtures increasingly rob neighbors and wildlife of restful dark. As responsible stewards, gardeners can readily reduce disruptive glare and atmospheric light pollution with these simple fixes. Here are 5 methods for managing light pollution from residential garden spaces: Install downward […]

5 Tips for Multifunctional Landscapes That Work Smarter

A multifunctional landscape is a smart and sustainable way to make the most of your outdoor space. Not only does it save you time and energy by doing more with less, but it also helps you to create a beautiful and functional living space, while being mindful of the environment. In this guide, we will […]